Now I’ve Done It…

Well now I’ve done it – I’ve started a blog for personal branding reasons. Why? Well, it’s March, and it’s snowing, out like a Lion this year.  Also, I do too many things, so I’ve wound up being in the business of myself. I’m an attorney and a musician, and I work very hard at both. Somehow through my life I’ve pursued divergent paths – practical and creative, hoping one day I’d be able to undertake creative pursuits practically.  I pushed very hard at music and succeeded (for a bit! in a way!), then went to law school after learning some fascinating first-person lessons about the music business, the intersection (no the crash site) of art and commerce, and the very divergent perspective of musicians who find themselves in that business, unprepared and uninformed about its realities, and the direct subject of its absurdities.  I’m an intellectual property and entertainment attorney.  That means I do transactions. I make electronic music.  Primarily with modular synthesizers. That means I’m slightly mad.  I’m not going to write about law much here, that belongs elsewhere, but I am going to write about art and creativity and business.  And the value of art, particularly music, in an age where it’s constantly being devalued and over-valued.  Here’s a world where nobody gets paid, except for the people who own the stores and act like they are the geniuses, and some artists who get to sell their songs to a hedge fund in Dubai.  Through it all, music stays great. Even if the top 40 is dreck.  But when wasn’t it? Maybe 1984. I could go on… But anyway, here’s a first post to start the habit.